6 Tips for Air Conditioning Service in Cold Weather

6 Tips for Air Conditioning Service in Cold Weather

Proper air conditioning maintenance during cold weather improves energy efficiency and indoor air quality. Well-maintained air conditioning systems provide consistent comfort and reliable performance regardless of the external temperature.

Seeking professional air conditioning service helps you maintain the optimal functioning of your system. Here are some tips to help you properly keep your air conditioning system during cold weather:

Change and Clean Air Filters Regularly

Regularly changing and cleaning air filters maintains efficiency by preventing dust and debris buildup in the system. During cold weather, there is a higher chance of contaminants entering your home due to closed doors and windows.

The accumulation of these contaminants can clog the air filter, reducing airflow and causing strain on the system. Depending on your usage, frequently change or clean your air filters to maintain system efficiency.

When installing a new filter, an expert air conditioning service provider fits it securely within the designated slot for effectiveness. Gaps or loose fittings let unfiltered air bypass the filter, reducing its effectiveness and causing debris buildup. 

Unblock All Registers and Vents

Vents are responsible for distributing conditioned air throughout your home. Make sure all vents and registers are unobstructed by furniture, curtains, or other objects. Blocking vents prevents proper airflow and leads to uneven heating within your home.

If you notice a decrease in airflow or uneven temperatures, schedule a duct cleaning service to remove dust and debris blocking your vents and registers.

Inspect Your Thermostat

The thermostat is the control center for your HVAC system. It reads the temperature in your home and signals the system to turn on or off accordingly. If your thermostat is not functioning correctly, it can lead to issues with heating and cooling efficiency.

Regularly inspect your thermostat and change its batteries if needed. Replace the thermostat if there are temperature discrepancies in your home, especially during extreme weather conditions.

Upgrading to a programmable thermostat allows you to set specific temperatures for different times of the day. During colder months, setting your thermostat to a lower temperature while away reduces energy costs.

Get Adequate Insulation

Insulation helps keep warm air in the winter and cool air in the summer. If your home is not insulated, it can lead to significant heat loss and increased energy consumption. Check the insulation in your walls, attic, and crawl spaces to meet the recommended levels for your region.

Prioritizing proper insulation helps to reduce noise levels in your home, making it more comfortable. During winter, insulating your pipes prevents them from freezing and bursting, saving you from potential water damage. Sealing around windows and doors can help keep cold from coming in.

Clean Your Furnace Cabinet

The furnace cabinet is the space that houses your HVAC system’s heating components. Dust and debris accumulate in the furnace cabinet, restricting airflow and causing strain on the system. This can lead to inefficient heating and increased energy costs.

Use a vacuum or dust cloth to remove any buildup in the furnace cabinet and free it from obstructions. Regularly cleaning the furnace cabinet can also increase the lifespan of your HVAC system. Furnace filters must be replaced or cleaned periodically to enhance proper air circulation and reduce strain on the system. 

Fix Drafts Around Doors and Windows

During cold months, drafts around doors and windows can cause significant heat loss, increasing energy consumption. Caulking is a cost-effective way to seal air leaks, especially around window frames. Adding insulated curtains or blinds can further insulate your windows and reduce heat loss.

Investing in energy-efficient windows and doors, which can improve insulation and reduce heat loss, may be beneficial for older homes. Air conditioning units and exhaust fans also contribute to drafts; properly seal and insulate these areas to prevent heat loss. 

Schedule Professional Air Conditioning Service

Regular maintenance and servicing of your air conditioning system improves efficiency and lifespan. A professional HVAC technician can clean, tune up, and identify any issues with your AC unit.

This helps prevent unexpected breakdowns during the winter cold months when you rely on your unit for heating. Regular servicing can improve the air quality in your home and reduce energy costs. Contact a professional air conditioning service provider to schedule a maintenance appointment.

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